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Please, advise what is speed of internet? I want to buy orange card to work using internet over 100Gb over month. What is the best card /oferta
Proszę doradzić jaka jest prędkość internetu? Chcę kupić pomarańczową kartę do pracy z internetem powyżej 100Gb w ciągu miesiąca. Jaka jest najlepsza karta /oferta?
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The issue is that Im currently in Germany, and I should be sure I can work in Poland before I change location.
Your plan is generally risky. If your work depends on high bandwidth internet access then don't even think of relying on mobile internet. There is no guarantee it will be adequate at any given place and time. It may, but then again it may not. And there is no way to test it while you are in Germany.
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speed of internet - prędkość internetu?
@op2 mobile internet does not have a guaranteed speed. If there is the right equipment, an unloaded transmitter and a good range, speeds of up to 100Mbit / s can be achieved. If one of the conditions is worse, the speed automatically drops.
The easiest way to check the Internet is to buy a pre-paid Orange starter for PLN 5. Account balance 6 GB for 14 days and PLN 5 per month. Enough for testing.
@op2 internet mobilny nie ma gwarantowanej prędkości. Jeżeli jest odpowiedni sprzęt, nieobciążony nadajnik, dobry zasięg, to można osiągnąć prędkość w okolicach nawet 100Mbit/s. Jeżeli jeden z warunków będzie gorszy, to automatycznie prędkość spada.
Najprościej sprawdzić działanie internetu, zakupić starter Orange na kartę za 5 zł. Stan konta 6 GB na 14 dni i 5 zł na miesiąc. Wystarczy do testów.
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speed of internet - prędkość internetu?
@op2 We do not know if you are interested in an offer for a company or an individual customer. On a card or in a subscription. Take a look at www.orange.pl in English https://www.orange.pl/view/international-calls
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speed of internet - prędkość internetu?
@ketrasaArtur Thanks for detailed answer.
The issue is that Im currently in Germany, and I should be sure I can work in Poland before I change location.
Don't you know if I this 6 GB will be available here if I could buy starter here to test it.
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speed of internet - prędkość internetu?
@op2 the given GB limit applies only to connections in Poland. When roaming on the new starter, there will only be a few MB and paid from the master account. It is cheaper to buy a starter in a given country. There will also be faster speeds than roaming.
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The issue is that Im currently in Germany, and I should be sure I can work in Poland before I change location.
Your plan is generally risky. If your work depends on high bandwidth internet access then don't even think of relying on mobile internet. There is no guarantee it will be adequate at any given place and time. It may, but then again it may not. And there is no way to test it while you are in Germany.
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speed of internet - prędkość internetu?
@j131 @ketrasaArtur Many thanks for your answer