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Google RCS on iOS

Poziom 37, Nawigator Galaktyczny
  • 7089
  • 29047
  • 230

Google RCS on iOS

There is no need to "switch". Just use. Use both. If they are not willing - well that is tough. Still, SMS over WiFi should be an option for your @Yuma. This should work and should not cost you anything, as long as you have access to WiFi.

Poziom 30, Pasjonat Galaktyczny
  • 1987
  • 8686
  • 72

Google RCS on iOS


Still, SMS over WiFi should be an option for your @Yuma. This should work and should not cost you anything, as long as you have access to WiFi.

It's very good idea. More about SMS over WiFi (SMSoIP) (in Polish language but translate, please) you can find on Orange blog Uruchomiliśmy usługę SMS w Wi-Fi Calling w Orange Flex i nju subskrypcja | Biuro Prasowe Orange