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Registration in new portal Orange

Poziom 8, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
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Registration in new portal Orange

Greetings! I'm trying to register in the new portal, but I can't do it.

My old login and password to the portal doesn't work,
but when I try to register the new account it asks me for PESEL.

But I'm a foreigner and I don't have PESEL.
Is there any way to use my old account data in the new system or register without PESEL?




*Post moved from topic "Rejestracja w Nowym Orange" - mod Wojciech

3 ODPOW. 3

Poziom 42, Mistrz Międzygalaktyczny
  • 20495
  • 59145
  • 801

Registration in new portal Orange

@kefirnet unfortunately PESEL is required for registration. Foreigners were not included in the system. You can still try registration by contacting the helpline or chatting, but you will probably need a PESEL number for further identification.


Currently, I suggest using the Mój Orange 4.15 application to check the status of packages and services on your number.

PESEL is not required in the application.

Poziom 8, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
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Registration in new portal Orange


Thank you. Yes, I'm already using Mój Orange 4.15, but how long would it be supported?
And do you have any plans to include foreigners access in the new system?

Poziom 42, Mistrz Międzygalaktyczny
  • 20495
  • 59145
  • 801

Registration in new portal Orange

@kefirnet how long the old version of the app will work, I don't know. In spring it was supposed to start with the new version of the app 5.0, but something is still delaying and not everyone has access. I don't know anything about the different registration method for Nowy Mój Orange, but I gave it an idea: