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Unprofessional customer service

Poziom 9, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
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Unprofessional customer service



This is a long story. I hope someone who's accountable and who cares about the quality assurance of your company will read! Because the way your system works is messed up. Completely ridiculous, time consuming, and leaves the client miserable. 


Weeks ago(Sep 24), i went to one of your branches I wanted to sign up for a home internet. They were really helpful at the branch but they couldn't do the entry because your system cannot cope with special letters from different countries. It doesn't let with English characters either. So, it took them long to achieve.


They managed to sign up that day (24th of Sep) but technician didn't come in mentioned day(26th) so I called your infoline.


The rep said they didn't set it up correctly. It got stuck in the system. He said hell cancel it and he'll recreate it again. I clearly said i want exactly the same package (600mbit fiber with 4 months free). He said he'll do it and then let me know(Oct 1). Then technician day settled(Oct 4).


The technician came and it occurred your rep didn't give me the same package. It has no discount just a regular 24 months subscription. The technician called you to clarify and help. But Orange didn't have any rep who knows English. I didn't sign the contract and the technician left saying that he can come again tomorrow. 


Same day afternoon, your customer service called me. It was the same rep who set up the internet who cannot even speak English fluently and has dictating attitude btw. He said I could have signed up the contract and they could create a complaint in the system to give me the discount. I said i will not sign a contract which doesn't have such term. I have contract from your branch which perfectly has all terms I want. 



I got fed up with how Orange deals with simple internet set up! And I told your rep to cancel. He just simply said 'ok' and hang up on my face. 


Are you sure you're trying to get some excellence? Does Orange wanna compete with other service providers? Ia this how you do? 


Today surprise surprise I got sms from Orange that they're setting up my internet. 


It occurred that the contract that got set up at your branch moved on. From 24th Sep to 10th of October. 


What a company you are!


I called your customer service again. Told them to cancel that one as well. Because I went with another service provider!!!


Surprise surprise. I got sms now saying the technician will come 14th of Oct. 


Are you kidding me? Are you as a whole company cannot cope with your systems? Who designed your systems? How effective you are? 


Your rep said he cancelled it. He said he created a new one because the first one didn't set up correctly. In fact it wasn't cancelled! You created two entries! 


I called your customer service twice saying that I don't wanna move with Orange. Will your forcefully set up the internet? Should I take the case to court or what? You didn't even comply with your terms. You didn't comply with what you stated during the call. 


What a company! 


I have two contracts in my hand with all the days on it. If you want proof, I can upload gladly. 


Will you pay me back for the time you consumed? Will you pay me back the effort because I work from home and I need internet? Will you do any effort to apologize and fix the your mistakes? How messed up you are? 





*I moved the topic from the "Home Internet" section - moderator wojciech.

4 ODPOW. 4

Poziom 37, Nawigator Galaktyczny
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Unprofessional customer service

I am sorry for you. However, your assumption that somebody from Orange will read this is false. This is forum of customers helping each other, not an official Orange helpline.

One thing is certain: if you do not agree nobody will connect you. If you do not sign the contract, it will not be binding. Regardless of what the SMSes say.


Poziom 9, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
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Unprofessional customer service

Thank you for the reply. I thought it's somehow official forum.


The problem with creating a complaint is that I couldn't find a way to reach out to management or smb who'd take action.


I call the infoline. Say English then the robot says we'll call you in two hours which rarely happens in two hours. They give no notification about the planned call time just call out of nowhere during my meetings or sth important showing up at work. 


I really regret trying to set my internet with Orange. Lost almost three weeks and got nothing. I hope you'll understand my frustration. 🙂 

Poziom 42, Mistrz Międzygalaktyczny
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Unprofessional customer service

@Dissatisfiedcus  we understand You, but we cant help You. We arę customers like You....

You should write official complaint to special  correspondence adress 

Orange Polska SA 

Ul  Jagiellońska 34 

05-092 Skierniewice 

And ask for explanations

Poziom 37, Nawigator Galaktyczny
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Unprofessional customer service

Sure I understand your frustration. Cases like yours are not particularly frequent, but they do happen, regardless of the language: there are many similar complains here, on this forum, made in Polish. Bad luck. In reality, things might have been solved if you were a bit more intrepid and clearvoyant, but then again these are not necessarily the crucial components of being Orange customer, one may think. Well, the system is far from perfect, and the increasing role of bots and other automata is not helping with cases like yours. If you feel like there is still somethong worth fighting for, then by all means, do write the official mail. I doubt you could use the official chat if you do not have the contract, but in case you ever have a similar situation, this is usually also more efficient than calls.

I only hope that your experience with the other provider will be better. Unfortunately, this is by no means certain.