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Unlimited internet on my phone

Poziom 7, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
  • 1
  • 1
  • 0

Unlimited internet on my phone

I'm the person who uses a lot of interent either 3G or 4G. I'm wondering if there's any way to use an unlimited interent on orange for 30 days for a thing. That could be a plan to buy. 


Poziom 45, Pionier Misji
  • 32845
  • 39281
  • 1393

Unlimited internet on my phone

As pay-as-you-go there isn't option for that.

Only postpaid tariff has "unlimited" internet.

In prepaid you may change tarrif to "Orange Free na kartę" (code *101*40# and green button).
After top-up you will get bonus for internet.
Here you have more info,4002009309,id,4003784086,article.html