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Restore phone number after 2.5 years

Poziom 7, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
  • 1
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  • 0

Restore phone number after 2.5 years

Hi all, My phone number was unused about 2.5 years. I'm abroad. Now I need it urgently for access to Polish online banking. I used to go to online banking via login, password, but now they need SMS from the number. How can I restore the number? I have SIM card, PUK code, all with me. Ready for top up

3 ODPOW. 3

Poziom 42, Mistrz Międzygalaktyczny
  • 14903
  • 61190
  • 758

Restore phone number after 2.5 years

@Avory   is not possible after such a long time. the operator can restore the number after a month from switching off

Besides the number may already be assigned to another card or user. what message do you get when you call it?

Poziom 42, Mistrz Międzygalaktyczny
  • 20540
  • 59294
  • 804

Restore phone number after 2.5 years

@Avory the number is valid for one year after the last top-up. If there have been no top-ups or extensions of the number's validity in the meantime, the number has already been deactivated. After deactivating the number, you still have a few weeks to recover it, but no more than 3 months after deactivation. Currently, after such a long time, the number is irreversibly lost. It is practically impossible to recover it.

Advice for the future: at least once every 12 months, you need to top up the number with at least PLN 5 to keep it valid for another year.

Poziom 25, Entuzjasta Przestworzy
  • 213
  • 949
  • 25

Restore phone number after 2.5 years

As written above, you won't retrieve your number.

Probably you should better contact with your bank customer service to change an authorisation number for another one.