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why is fiber optic internet not working in Warsaw??

Poziom 6, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
  • 0
  • 2
  • 0

why is fiber optic internet not working in Warsaw??

why is fiber optic internet not working in Warsaw??

3 ODPOW. 3

Poziom 37, Nawigator Galaktyczny
  • 7215
  • 29495
  • 232

why is fiber optic internet not working in Warsaw??


Whole Warsaw or just your location?

Poziom 42, Mistrz Międzygalaktyczny
  • 14830
  • 60877
  • 753

why is fiber optic internet not working in Warsaw??

@shoxel In what location? You can check it yourself on the Orange website

Poziom 37, Nawigator Galaktyczny
  • 2591
  • 7014
  • 189

why is fiber optic internet not working in Warsaw??

@shoxel In the comments, users report that there is some problem with the optical fiber in Warsaw