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Fun box service

Poziom 10, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
  • 1
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Fun box service

Hello I have a complaint about Lublin salesman. My fun box fiber was broken and I asked him for a new one and he said it costs 50 zloty so I paid. Today I went to Warsaw asking about I let it broken and how much it is in orange store the salesman said that I don't need to pay any fee. Can u explain about this?

2 ODPOW. 2

Poziom 37, Nawigator Galaktyczny
  • 5485
  • 18253
  • 186

Fun box service

Sorry, but the forum is not the right place to complain about employees.

Poziom 37, Nawigator Galaktyczny
  • 5485
  • 18253
  • 186

Fun box service

I think that it will be best to file a complaint with BOK (customer service office) - by phone 510100100, or by chat at You just need to know that the chat is available on working days, that is from Monday to Friday 7:00 am - 21:30