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1 kontrakt światłowodowy LOVE zamienił się w 2 kontrakty

Poziom 17, Badacz Przestworzy
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1 kontrakt światłowodowy LOVE zamienił się w 2 kontrakty



It isn't over yet, yesterday I went to the salon, and the first employee just lied to my face again, saying all I have to do is chat with Orange Flex and the transfer would be completed the next day. I asked if I had to come back the next day, she said no, "everything will be automatic, just chat with Orange Flex". I knew it was a lie, so I stood outside the salon and chatted with Orange Flex customer service, they said the process is to port from Orange Flex to Orange na kartę, then from Orange na kartę to Orange LOVE. I went back in the salon, talked to another employee, he confirmed the process, so I requested the transfer from Flex to na kartę. He said to come back to the salon today to move from na kartę to LOVE. 


So today I went back to the salon, sadly yesterday's employee wasn't there, so I had to talk to a new one. He wrote down the phone number I want transferred and said it will be done by tomorrow. He never asked where the number had to be transferred so I'm almost sure he lied too. I have no mobile Internet anymore so I went home. I asked customer service if a transfer had been requested, they said no. 


I will wait one more day and see what happens. 


3 different employees from the salon have used the "it will be automatic" trick now, I understand that all they want is for me to leave and they hope I will be someone else's problem when I return...

Poziom 17, Badacz Przestworzy
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1 kontrakt światłowodowy LOVE zamienił się w 2 kontrakty

Żałuję, że kiedykolwiek weszłam do salonu Orange, powinnam była zostać od początku w Orange Flex, tak jest prościej, przejrzyściej i taniej. Ich produkt jest taki sam jak ten, który mam teraz z mobilnym Internetem domowym Orange LOVE.

Poziom 37, Nawigator Galaktyczny
  • 6085
  • 24901
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1 kontrakt światłowodowy LOVE zamienił się w 2 kontrakty


Żałuję, że kiedykolwiek weszłam do salonu Orange, powinnam była zostać od początku w Orange Flex, tak jest prościej, przejrzyściej i taniej. Ich produkt jest taki sam jak ten, który mam teraz z mobilnym Internetem domowym Orange LOVE.

Well, once again: I am very sorry that your experience with Orange is so negative. The problems with not-quite-competent personnel are not so rare, but then again this is no excuse. You have not mentioned that Flex was involved in all this. This is in fact quite serious complication - until quite recently moving the number from Flex was impossibly difficult. Now it is supposed to work "more normally", but strange things do happen. I am positive it will eventually be solved, that is if you do not give up on this (please don't give up 🙂).

Poziom 17, Badacz Przestworzy
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1 kontrakt światłowodowy LOVE zamienił się w 2 kontrakty


I wish they had told me it would be complicated, instead of "it is automatic" or "it is very simple" and "it will take one day". My current situation is even worse than before, since I can't use my number normally anymore. Moving from Flex to Orange na kartę only took a few minutes, now I'm stuck on a half created na kartę account, waiting to move to LOVE. 


So I went to the Orange store again, since unsurprisingly nothing happened after my last visit. I actually had a contract termination form ready, but a lady said she could help, and since I'm stupid I let her help. She seems to have created yet another complaint haha

Poziom 37, Nawigator Galaktyczny
  • 6085
  • 24901
  • 210

1 kontrakt światłowodowy LOVE zamienił się w 2 kontrakty


You are definitely not stupid. You are just a very nice person, only trusting too much. It is a pitty you did not asked here before starting this epic catastrophe, we would have warned you of the potential pitfalls.

There are people here who tested the move from Flex and their experience was mixed at best. I moved a number to Love few years ago and it went smoothly, but with certain caveats.

Bad luck combined with some regrettably incompetent behavior of Orange staff. Trust no one and demand that this is fixed. I regret that all I can do is wish you luck.☀️