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od ‎04-09-2022
Poziom 9, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
Poziom 9, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
Punkty: 929
ostatnia aktywność: 08-09-2022 07:08


1 odpowiedź

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1 temat

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Re: How to re-activate my number?

Thank you, @ketrasaArtur ! It was disabled more than 6 months ago 😞

How to re-activate my number?

Hi, I had an Orange phone number. But I forgot to top it up in time. Now the sim card can't connect to any operator. I'm in Ukraine and can't visit Poland at the moment. Is there any way I can restore that number?I've topped it up successfully an hour ago, [...]

Re: How to re-activate my number?

Thank you, @ketrasaArtur ! It was disabled more than 6 months ago 😞

How to re-activate my number?

Hi, I had an Orange phone number. But I forgot to top it up in time. Now the sim card can't connect to any operator. I'm in Ukraine and can't visit Poland at the moment. Is there any way I can restore that number?I've topped it up successfully an hour ago, [...]