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Change of Residence

Poziom 4, Obserwator Przestworzy
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0

Change of Residence

► Due to the kind of issue raised the post were moved from the category Sieć i dostępność usług (label: Orange Światłowód). The readability of the post was corrected - Moderator Wiktor ◄


I am sorry but my post is going to be in English.

I have a contract for 2 years for Orange optical fiber.

I am moving houses now but Orange does not have optical fiber in that location. Orange is now asking me to pay extra 25 Zloties for a new Huawei LTE box offering 40 Mb / s. On top of this, they ask me to enter into a new contract. I really do not understand this. If they do not have service in the area, they should offer an acceptable alternative. They can not help but offer a very poor alternative. Anyone who has gone through this?

2 ODPOW. 2

Poziom 35, Ekspert Galaktyczny
  • 2850
  • 4796
  • 121

Change of Residence

These are the realities in Poland. Either you agree, or terminate the contract with payment of the penalty.

Zespół Nasz Orange
  • 3146
  • 12692
  • 67

Change of Residence

You don`t need to buy this router. You can use your mobile router. When there aren`t any fiber connection We propose mobile internet. Other carriers don`t have that options.