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od ‎14-04-2022
Poziom 9, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
Poziom 9, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
Punkty: 964
ostatnia aktywność: 26-04-2022 12:23


1 odpowiedź

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1 temat

Pierwsze lądowanie

Termination of my contract with Orangle PL

Thank you guys ! I didn't expect such a feedback. I was trying the AI hotline in Polish and it was pretty funny. The bot kinda understands czech since it is in a way similar slavic language, but when the AI put me through to a real person, I was told that [...]

Termination of my contract with Orangle PL

Hello,Our company is based in the Czech Republic and in previous years it had registered branch in Poland, which we recently cancelled. Now we have to cancel all contracts related to the business in Poland. Unfortunately I don't speak Polish and the Orangl [...]

Termination of my contract with Orangle PL

Thank you guys ! I didn't expect such a feedback. I was trying the AI hotline in Polish and it was pretty funny. The bot kinda understands czech since it is in a way similar slavic language, but when the AI put me through to a real person, I was told that [...]

Termination of my contract with Orangle PL

Hello,Our company is based in the Czech Republic and in previous years it had registered branch in Poland, which we recently cancelled. Now we have to cancel all contracts related to the business in Poland. Unfortunately I don't speak Polish and the Orangl [...]