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od ‎10-01-2021
Poziom 11, Tropiciel Przestworzy
Poziom 11, Tropiciel Przestworzy
Punkty: 1980
ostatnia aktywność: 11-01-2021 13:41


1 odpowiedź

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1 temat

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SIM vailidity

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SIM vailidity

Sorry for my lack of Polish.In February I will have had my Polish number for two years. My account tells me that I can only make calls until that date and I will have to pay 29 pln for my SIM to continue using my number. Is there anything I can do instead [...]

SIM vailidity

Thank you!

SIM vailidity

Sorry for my lack of Polish.In February I will have had my Polish number for two years. My account tells me that I can only make calls until that date and I will have to pay 29 pln for my SIM to continue using my number. Is there anything I can do instead [...]