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od ‎29-07-2019
Poziom 8, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
Poziom 8, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
Punkty: 718
ostatnia aktywność: 29-07-2019 15:08


Orange Weteran

Druga Rocznica


1 like

1 odpowiedź

1 temat

Looking for seller/account associate for one specific customer in Orange Polska

I need English if possible, called number does not offer change to English and my Polish is not very good

Looking for seller/account associate for one specific customer in Orange Polska

Temat przeniesiony z Konto Mój Orange do odpowiedniej kategorii - moderator Bartłomiej Hi, could you please connect me with an agent or an accuser team within Orange Polska as I am looking for a full customer service. Thanks

Looking for seller/account associate for one specific customer in Orange Polska

I need English if possible, called number does not offer change to English and my Polish is not very good

Looking for seller/account associate for one specific customer in Orange Polska

Temat przeniesiony z Konto Mój Orange do odpowiedniej kategorii - moderator Bartłomiej Hi, could you please connect me with an agent or an accuser team within Orange Polska as I am looking for a full customer service. Thanks