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od ‎04-08-2018
Poziom 7, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
Poziom 7, Zwiadowca Przestworzy
Punkty: 451
ostatnia aktywność: 17-09-2018 03:35


1 odpowiedź

1 temat

Pierwsze lądowanie

lost my sim card out of poland

Hello all, Currently i am not in Poland, I have lost my sim card, can i pay online and receive new sim card via post? or visit an Orange store in Spain to replace it? or i need to wait till i will be back in Poland? Thanks

price of call in europe

Thank you Peter,Understand, these prices does it take into account which providers?Or all providers.Once again thank you for help

price of call in europe

Hi, I will be abroad, in the said countries in 1st post as well.Means both of us the caller and the receiver are abroad.Thx